America’s Test Kitchen is a fast-growing media company whose mission is to be America’s most trusted source of cooking information. Since 1993, it has researched and tested thousands of recipes and related content that today is distributed across websites, magazines, cookbooks, television shows, an online cooking school, and more.

As it grew, America’s Test Kitchen realized it needed to make some big structural and technology changes in order to continue to scale, gain efficiencies, and utilize its large volume of content to the greatest advantage. To help guide the effort, the publisher turned to Technology for Publishing.

First, TFP worked with editorial teams to define content objectives, which centered on maximizing opportunities to use existing content to launch new products and revenue streams. Then, teams focused on changes to content structure, which included standardizing and aligning processes across publishing groups to enable content distribution and reuse across products and channels. TFP also guided America’s Test Kitchen on implementing new technologies to better manage its content workflows, moving its content online, and implementing its digital magazine offerings.

The result? Big boosts in productivity, efficiencies, content reuse, and much more.

To learn how TFP helped America’s Test Kitchen embrace its growth and better serve and engage its audience, download our case study on the project.

Also check out other Technology for Publishing client success stories, highlighting a wealth of tips, best practices, and lessons learned!

Posted by: Margot Knorr Mancini

A thought leader in the publishing industry, Margot Knorr Mancini has helped numerous publishers redefine their missions to become nimble content generators with the ability to repurpose content easily and efficiently. As Founder & CEO of Technology for Publishing, her analytical mind allows her to remain a step ahead of the industry, recognizing early trends and developing pivotal best practices.